Tiny homes have become a growing trend across the United States, offering a unique and minimalist way of living. With its stunning landscapes and a strong sense of community, Maine is no exception to this movement. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about tiny homes in Maine, from legal considerations to cost, parking options, and more.
Are tiny homes permitted under Maine state law?
In 2020, Maine passed The passing of LD 1981, titled ‘An Act Regarding the Regulation of Tiny Homes,’ which resulted from the initiative of the Secretary of State’s Office to update the existing statute to incorporate regulations specifically for tiny homes on wheels. Some key points include Definition, Town Authority, Regulation, and Financing.
Any Maine town can opt to allow placement of a Tiny Home on a piece of property as a primary residence or accessory dwelling by citing the definition of ‘Tiny Home’ in title 29-A. As a home rule state, Maine gives towns the authority to allow Tiny Homes. If the town’s interpretation of the use of a Tiny Home conflicts with the current zoning rules or land use regulations, then the rules can be updated to include Tiny Homes and their permitted uses.
What are the size requirements for tiny houses in Maine?
Sec. 1. 29-A MRSA §101, sub-§80-C from ‘An Act Regarding the Regulation of Tiny Homes,’ is enacted to read:
80-C. Tiny home. “Tiny home” means a living space permanently constructed on a frame or chassis and designed for use as permanent living quarters that:
A. Complies with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard A119.5 on plumbing, propane, fire and life safety and construction or National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard 1192 on plumbing, propane, and fire and life safety for recreational vehicles;
B. Does not exceed 400 square feet in size;
C. Does not exceed any dimension allowed for operation on a public way under this Title; and
D. Is a vehicle without motive power.
You can view the complete details of LD 1981 here and read the testimonies given during the public hearing here.
What is the average cost of tiny homes in Maine state?
Companies like Backcountry Tiny Homes and Tiny Homes of Maine typically price their offerings at $40,000 to $120,000. If you decide to construct a tiny house on your own in Maine, the cost is generally estimated to fall within the range of $30,000 to $45,000.
Which locations in Maine state allow parking for tiny homes?
Tiny homes have options for parking in many parts of Maine as long as they follow local rules. When you’re on the hunt for a parking spot, it’s crucial to look closely at the local regulations. Certain places in Maine are welcoming to tiny homes, including RV parks and campgrounds. In some cases, you might be allowed to have a tiny home on your property as an accessory dwelling unit (ADU), but it has to follow the local zoning rules.
What are some interesting facts about tiny homes in Maine state?
Maine LD 1530, which requires municipalities to recognize tiny homes as primary dwellings legally, has been approved by the Maine Legislature. Maine became the first state in the country to legalize small homes as primary residences.
Rep. Dave McCrea (D-Fort Fairfield) introduced legislation requiring municipalities to allow people to live in tiny homes as primary or secondary residence. Previously, towns and municipalities had to approve or reject each proposed tiny home structure individually. The bill will now be sent to the governor’s desk for signature.
Is there a thriving tiny home community in Maine state?
- Lakeside Cedar Cabins – This community features cozy cabins and tiny homes, providing a peaceful lakeside living experience.
- Tiny Soul-ar Eco Village (TSEV)-TSEV is a cooperative and compact community designed to encourage, educate, and demonstrate to others how to live self-sustainably, healthily, simply, and environmentally responsible. A working farm, shared space, workshops, a bakery & cafe, and more will help support this Village with help from its residents.
What are some helpful contacts or resources for individuals interested in tiny homes in Maine?
- Maine Municipal Association: Provides information on local zoning regulations and building codes that pertain to tiny homes.
- Tiny House Alliance Maine: A community organization that advocates for tiny living and provides resources for those interested in building or living in a tiny home in Maine.
- Maine.gov Building Codes: Offers information about building codes, including the IRC Appendix Q that pertains to tiny homes on foundations.