Tiny Home Builder

  • 5840 Co Rd 201, Millersburg, OH 44654, United States
  • Views: 448

About Us

Our purpose is to reflect the Hand of God in the quality and integrity of our work, to be His steward in our use of the Earth’s resources, and to witness for Him in the fairness, honesty and humility of our daily interactions with others.

Our vision is to improve the built environment, using new, efficient, green building methods and materials to provide well-designed, well-constructed homes, commercial buildings and accessory buildings that solve problems for people and improve living conditions.

Our mission is to treat everyone with respect, never bragging, helping buyers make the best choice for their family or business, being fair and honest in every transaction, delivering on time, and exceeding expectations whenever possible.

We believe in working as a team, in a reverse hierarchy of service to each other, encouraging innovation and listening to each other as mutually respected and trusted professionals. We want to conduct business with a joyous and grateful heart, knowing that whenever anyone arrives or inquires, it is not a chore to respond, but an opportunity to serve.


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