Tiny Communities
- 204 Gotcher Avenue in Lake Dallas, Texas 75065
- Views: 472
About Us
First Tiny Home Village of its kind
The Lake Dallas Tiny Home Village is the first tiny home village of its kind built inside a city limits from the ground up as a tiny home village for homes on wheels utilizing the International Residential Code Appendix Q.
In the Lake Dallas Downtown District
We’re right in the heart of the city of Lake Dallas with plenty of amenities including a library, children’s parks, tennis courts, ball fields, restaurants, an old-time hardware store, schools, churches and Lewisville Lake is just a short walk away.
A Great Quiet Place to Call Home
While we can boast about being the first village of its kind and being in a beautiful setting in the heart of our town, this place is special because of the wonderful people who call the Lake Dallas Tiny Home Village their home.
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Agency Information
- Location: 204 Gotcher Avenue in Lake Dallas, Texas 75065
- Website: https://lakedallastinyhomevillage.com/